Quotas are a method to limit the total storage used by the backups on a client-by-client basis. When a client exceeds their given quota, you will need to work with your customer to help them decrease their selected data, or to increase their quota to a larger amount.
Setting the quota
When you build your branded client, you are able to set the default quota to be used by all installed clients. This option is under the 'Default client settings', 'Server side quota'.
This default quota is the volume of data in MB that the client's remote storage vault can hold before the backup client will interrupt the backups to prevent more storage from being used.
Changing the quota
To change the quota for a backup client after installation, you will need to open the client GUI in HOST mode. This is similar to opening the client in Expert mode, except with the /host flag. Opening the client in HOST mode requires the build password for your branded client, so the end user is unable to change the setting. Once on the HOST > Client tab, you can change the quota.
Alternately, the WholesaleBackup server GUI or the BackupOps web console can be used to edit the client's .INI file to alter the quota.
On the WSBU server GUI, go to the Dashboard > Accounts tab, select the account and computer to alter the quota for. On the "Settings (.INI)" subtab, scroll to the [Expert] heading and find the "quotamb" setting; edit the setting's number to change the MB of storage allowed for the remote backup vault.
Similar to the server GUI, on the BackupOps web console, Transfers page, select the computer from the table, and then click "Edit INI" to open the setting file, and edit it as above.
Handling a client that's over quota
When quota is exceeded the backup account is suspended and the user is alerted if server-side email is configured.
Once an account is over its quota, the backup client will prevent any further backups until it is back under the quota. To accomplish this, you will need to work with your customer to help reduce their data.
The first thing to do is to increase their quota above their current storage, so the backups are able to run. The steps to change the quota is explained above.
Once their backup client is able to run again, there are a few methods to help reduce their total storage.
First, you can help them trim their selections. There may be folders that do not require backing up on their computer, like images, movies, or music that can be excluded from the backup selections, or they may be backing up replaceable data like the Windows folder or their Program Files folder.
Note: Some programs, like Exchange Server and SQL Server store their databases in their Program Files folders, and it's possible that other programs do the same. If this is the case, it is best to select the specific folder that stores the data for that program, not the entire application folder.
Second, you can alter their retention period, so less data is stored. On the Expert Settings tab in Expert mode, you can change the "Maximum number of days to retain versions of files" and the "Maximum number of versions of a file to retain", Retention and Versions for shorthand.
Reducing the retention will decrease the number of days before older versions of files or deleted/deselected files are removed from the remote storage. Reducing the versions will reduce the maximum number of versions of a specific file to keep before removing the oldest one from the remote storage. For more information on changing these settings, here is our documentation explaining it in more detail.
Finally, if the customer is allowed to increase their quota bracket, you can just set their quota to the new higher value.