Under the Remote Manager tab, you can initiate commands to the backup Service remotely and discretely, using the "Commands" column drop-down selector, you can:
- Start Backup
- Stop Backup
- Restart Service
- Sync Settings (.INI and .SEL configuration files)
- Reform DBs
Once the command is selected and you have clicked the "Run" button, the "CONNECTING" spinner will be displayed until the remote computer acknowledges the command and starts running it.
The "Activity" column will display status updates coming directly from the backup engine on the remote computer, and reflects the color-coded statuses of the Transfers tab when reporting Success, Warnings, and Errors. The remote table can be set to auto-refresh the data on an interval using the "refresh delay" drop-down selector or you can click the "refresh icon" on the table at any time to view the most recent status updates coming in.
When using the 'Reform DBs' command, Check the "Engine" column; if you see the backup client's engine as "Active", send a "Stop Backup" command to the backup client and then refresh the page until it shows as "Idle". Once the backup client's Engine reports "Idle", send the "Reform DBs" command to the backup client. During this process the backup client will not appear to be active, but this can take a while to run, so our suggestion is to wait for the backup client to run at its next scheduled time.
The "Last Service Update" column displays when the remote computer last checked in with the Web Console. It has three states "Online", "Delayed" or "Offline" Generally the computer should be checking in regularly and displaying the "Online" indicator, with a count under 30 seconds.
The "Engine" column will update from "Idle" to "Active" status when the backup software is running any processes, please note that when the Engine is in an Active state, that new commands will not run other than "Stop Backup".
The "CPU" and "Memory" columns will reflect how much CPU and Memory the backup software is utilizing on that remote computer. This will remain flat until the backup Service and Engine are active and working.
The "Status" column reflects the computer's current license status you have picked from the Storage tab for that customer, which will generally be "Trial", "Active", "Suspended" or "Test".
The "Restore" button launches the Remote Manager Restore GUI and allows you to select data to restore on that remote computer. Read more about this feature in the Remote Manager Restore Feature doc.
Remaining Remote Manager Table Columns:
- ID - hidden by default used when dispatching commands
- Regcode - hidden by default used when dispatching commands
- Sleep - hidden by default is the delay between service checks-ins
- Computer - the remote computers name same as Storage and Transfers tabs
- Custom Field - a free text field to add notes or identifiers to each computer, viewable across Transfer, Storage, and Remote Manager tables in the Web Console
- Account - the remote computers account name same as Storage and Transfers tabs
- Brand - the brand name the account computer is deployed under same as Storage and Transfers tabs
Remote Manager table columns can be switched on or off from being displayed by using the "column toggle" drop-down.
You also have the ability to allow Subuser's access to the Remote Manager tab which can be granted under the "Users" tab "Access & Options" and clicking "Edit" then Enabling Remote Management for that user.
The Web Console Remote Manager features will continue to grow and build with future releases, some of the things to expect are - Remote:
- Restore (User Interface) - RELEASED
- INI Settings (User Interface) - RELEASED
- Streaming Disk Image Recovery to a new Server Instance