Welcome to WholesaleBackup's guide to getting started hosting online backups using Synology C2 Object Storage as your remote storage endpoint. Our goal is to make the setup and deployment process as quick and easy as possible. If you find anything in this guide unclear, please send your questions, comments, and feedback to support@wholesalebackup.com and we will revise the guide accordingly. Ok! Let's get started!
Step 1:
Navigate to your existing Synology C2 Object Storage, or go to https://c2.synology.com/en-us/object-storage/overview and sign up for a free account. You will receive a verification email to start setting up your account. Fill out the account setup form and continue to your Synology C2 Object Storage dashboard.
Select your preferred Region from the top right corner of the C2 Object Storage dashboard, then click the "Create Bucket" button to begin setting up your Wholesale Backup Brand Bucket.
An important note on naming your bucket: The bucket name must be prefixed with "wsbu-" then your brand name in lower case. This brand name must match the brand name you enter later in the Synology Build Form.
Name you bucket starting with "wsbu-" then your brand name with no spaces and in lower case. Check the "Create an access key for this bucket" option and be sure to set the access type to "Read and Write" for the access key, then click "Next". On the next screen, without checking the "Enable bucket versioning" or "Enable object lock" options. These options will prevent our software from working properly with the bucket.
Do not select "Enable bucket versioning" or "Enable object lock" on part two of the bucket setup.
Save the provided Access Key ID and Secret Key securely with your password management software or documentation. You will need these to enter into the Synology Brand Build Form in a later step.
Your bucket is now ready and available in your C2 Object Storage Dashboard. Creating the bucket will also generate an Endpoint that you should also take note of in your password manager or documentation, as this will also be needed in filling out the Synology Brand Build Form in a later step.
Step 2:
Register for instant access to the Backup Ops Web Console REGISTER
Step 3:
Sign-into your new Backup Management Web Console: https://dash.backupops.com (You will also receive a welcome email with next steps and link.)
Step 4:
Fill out the Synology client build form and configure the backup client to use your Access Key ID, Secret Key and Endpoint URL that you just created in the prior step. You should have those securely saved somewhere.
Step 4.b:
Download your new client from the link in the email that will be sent to you when the build process is complete, in addition, you can always download your client installer directly from the "Your Brands"page in the Web Console.
Step 5:
Install the new backup client on a computer and set it up to start running backups using this guide here. Run your first backup!
Step 6:
Use the Web Console to monitor this or any backup account that uses your software. Just go to https://dash.backupops.com and log in using the email address and password you used in Web Console sign-up form. If you forget the password, no problem, just click the "Forgot your password?" link under the sign in form.