Configure your custom white label backup client to store backup data using Google Cloud storage in minutes.
Welcome to WholesaleBackup's guide to getting started hosting online backups with Google's Interoperable Cloud Storage. Our goal is to make the setup and deployment process as quick and easy as possible. If you find anything in this guide unclear, please send your questions, comments, and feedback to '' and we will revise the guide accordingly. Ok! Let's get started!
or register with GCP
Select a Project or Create a New Project
If you don't have a project name you will be prompted for one before you can proceed, or select one of your existing projects.
Setup your Free Trial & Billing with Google Cloud Platform
If this is a new project, then now is the time to enable a billing account that is tied to the project., this step is needed to generate an active cloud storage location.
Navigate to Cloud Storage
From the Menu:
Solutions > All Products > Storage > Cloud Storage
Generate Keys
In the left sidebar of the Storage page click 'Settings'. Next click on the 'INTEROPERABILITY' link along the top, click on the 'Enable interoperability access' and click to 'Create a Key'.
Copy your new Access key and Secret key
You will use them to build a custom branded WholesaleBackup client which backs up to your Google Cloud Storage.
Build Your White Label S3 Backup Client with the Keys
If you have an account login:
or register to create one now: and select: the "Google GCP Cloud Storage" option when registering.
Fill out the Google cloud storage client build form
If you selected the use "Google GCP Cloud Storage"option, you will land of that build form when registering, otherwise you can navigate there from the Brands page and select the GCP option.
Fill out the the necessary fields to complete and brand your software.
Important: Enter in your ACCESS KEY and SECRET ACCESS KEY.
Set the Region that best suites you and your customers demographic --this will define in which geographical region your backup storage bucket is created. You cannot change the bucket region once it is created.
Download your new client
You will get an email with a download link for your new backup software client once the build completes, or you can always download the installers (for Windows or MacOS) from your "Brands" page in the Web Console.
Install the new backup client
Install your new branded backup software client on a computer and start running backups.
See running your first backup guide for more details.
Manage & monitor deployments
Use the Backup Ops Web Console to manage, monitor, configure, and remotely control your deployed clients.