Welcome to WholesaleBackup's guide to getting started hosting online backups with Amazon S3. Our goal is to make the setup and deployment process as quick and easy as possible. If you find anything in this guide unclear, please send your questions, comments, and feedback to 'support@wholesalebackup.com' and we will revise the guide accordingly. Ok! Let's get started!
Step 1: Sign up for an Amazon AWS account here. Choose any support plan you like. S3 is very stable and not likely to require Amazon support.
Step 2: Set up an IAM user with restricted access to ONLY S3 and get the keys. It is easy, we will show you:
2.a: Once you are logged into your AWS console click on Services, then click on IAM (Identity Access Management) Under the Security, Identity & Compliance category.
2.b: Once in the IAM console click on "Users" in the left sidebar.
2.c: In the Users list, click on the "Add User" button at the top.
2.d: You only need one new user for this set up. Create a name that you will easily remember to not delete later as you will not need the name for our setup. It is just for your reference. Here we used "s3_user" as that is all this user will be allowed to do, and then set Access Type* to Programmatic access. Then click blue Next: Permissions button.
2.e: Click "Attach existing policies directly", then type "s3" in the filter input and click enter on your keyboard, check to enable "AmazonS3FullAccess". Click the blue Next: Review button.
2.f: Carefully review the user setup. Three things to check for 1.) the User name: is what you decided, 2.) the Access Type: is Programmatic access - with access key, 3.) the Permissions Summary: should have Managed Policy - "AmazonS3FullAccess". if it all looks correct click the blue Create user button.
2.g: Great! Now you can download the new user credentials and store them in a safe place, we will be using the Access key ID and the Secret access key to build your new backup client.
Congratulations! You now have a new IAM user whose access is restricted to your Amazon S3 account ONLY.
Step 3: Build your S3 white label client keyed to this new IAM user. Using the white label build form located in the Backup Management Web Console under the “Your Brands” tab.
If you've already registered just log in here: https://dash.backupops.com
Login to your new Backup Management Web Console:https://dash.backupops.com
Now fill out the build form and configure the backup client to use your ACCESS KEY and SECRET ACCESS KEY for the IAM user you just created. You should have those saved somewhere. There is also the option to set the "Amazon S3Region". This will define in which geographical region your backup storage bucket is created. You cannot change the bucket region once it is created. For more information see the AWS Documentation on S3 regions. There are some advantages to choosing a bucket that is located closer to your backup customers. However, if you do not have a specific reason to change the region then I suggest that you use the default "US Standard" region. (Build form is located under the "Your Brands" tab if needed.)
Step 4: Download your new client from the link in the email that will be sent to you when the build process is complete, in addition you can always download your client installer directly from the "Your Brands" page in the Web Console.
Step 5: Install the new backup client on a computer and set it up to start running backups using this guide: View Guide >> Run your first backup!
Step 6: Use the Web Console to monitor this or any backup account that uses your software. Just go to https://dash.backupops.com and log in using the email address and password you used in Web Console sign-up form. If you forget the password, no problem, just click the "Forgot your password?" link under the sign in form.
Step 7: Check out our guides for using the WholesaleBackup Web Console here:
- WholesaleBackup Web Console: Your Brands
- WholesaleBackup Web Console: Storage
- WholesaleBackup Web Console: Transfers
- WholesaleBackup Web Console: Users & Views (New Update)
- WholesaleBackup Web Console: Reports (New Update)