There are four sub-tabs of the Dashboard tab which you'l find helpful in monitoring your backup accounts. These are the Transfers tab, the Storage tab, the History tab, and the Connections tab.
Transfers Tab

The Transfers tab shows you upload (backup) and download (restore) history for each account. For example, only the most recent backups for each account are shown in the above screen capture as the "uploads" and "Most recent" boxes are checked.
Note the color coding in above screen capture so you can see at a glance the status of your client's backups, green is good and yellow indicates there are issues.
Along the top of this tab you'll notice that you can also filter the accounts to show by "Brand"and account status so that you can view (and "Export") a subset of your backup clients. Another filter exists (shown below) which allows you to easily visualize those clients which have not backed up in a while (by highliting them in blue):

You can filter which accounts to look at based on their backup Brand or Group, where you assign/change the Group field for each client on the Dashboard->Accounts tab.
The Transfers tab refreshes itself every 30 seconds and you can manually refresh it at any time by pressing the "Refresh" button. Clicking the "Export" button will export the table as displayed to a CSV file.

Storage Tab

The Storage tab provides you with comprehensive storage and billing information for the most recent upload (backup) for each account. You can filter the data using the pull-down menu and tick boxes along the top and export the filtered data to a CSV file using the Export button. The status indicated by the tick boxes along top can be altered on the Dashboard->Accounts tab for each account and computer. You can filter which accounts to look at based on their backup Brand or Group, where you assign/change the Group field for each client on the Dashboard->Accounts tab.

History Tab

The History tab allows you to drill into the details of each accounts connection to the Server and it shows you exacly the same information in the client side GUI. The pulldown menu at the top called "Client:" is used to select which backup client's history you wish to explore. Depending on the operation (backup, restore, etc.) you select in the top window pane, you will see different tabs in the bottom pane with summaries of the result of the operation as well as a complete log file. Color coding is used so you can identify issues quickly.
Connections Tab![]()

Similar to a firewall, the WholesaleBackup Server keeps track of suspicious access attempts. This tab allows you to view suspicious connections to the server and filter based on time via a pull-down menu as well as result (e.g. Suspicious, Reject, etc.).