In addition to being able to make settings and selections change from the Transfers page on the BackupOps web console, it is also possible to use RMM to call the backup engine with different parameters to update settings and send some backup engine commands, like starting a backup.
Making Settings Changes
Similar to making the initial settings changes during a silent installation, you can use the backup engine's `-settings` parameter to push settings changes through your RMM to a backup client. The full list of .INI file settings you can change can be found in this article.
Remote Engine and Scheduler Commands
Using the same kind of method to push settings changes directly to a backup client, you can also send other commands to the backup client's engine and scheduler. Here are some common uses:
myBackup.exe -upload #start a backup
taskkill /IM "myBackup.exe" #stop a running backup or restore
myBackup.exe -connect #trigger a throughput test on the client, and it will pull in changed .INI and .SEL files
myBackup_scheduler.exe -e #stop the scheduler service
myBackup_scheduler.exe -s #start the scheduler service
A full list of engine commands can be found here. The list of scheduler service commands is much shorter and can be seen by passing it the "-?" flag.