The backup/restore engine (its name is your brand_engine.exe) can be controlled via the command line, so, for example, you can invoke the engine to do backups, restores, and change certain values from your own scripts and executables.
In the specifications below, values inside { and } are optional, and values separate by a | (vertical bar) require you to choose one.
brand_engine.exe -?
lists all available commands
test remote connections, measures throughput, checks for updated INI/SEL files and pulls them in
-dec src dst
to decrypt src file/dir to dst file/dir
test email credentials
-support email
email logs and meta data to email address specified
-enc src dst
to encrypt src file/dir to dst file/dir
-firewall 0|1
tests all FQDNs and ports used, if 1 add EXE to Windows Firewall
enumerate network resources for debugging
-r destination selection recurse M|B overwrite {domain computer dbdir}
restore latest version of files by Modify|Backup date
-rall destination selection recurse overwrite {domain computer dbdir}
restore EVERY version of files
-rbet dst sel YYYY-MM-DD;HH:MM:SS YYYY-MM-DD;HH:MM:SS recurse M|B overwrite {domain computer dbdir}
restore latest version of files between both Modify|Backup dates
recover a malformed fs.db; this is helpful if anti-malware or malware corrupts this critical DB.
-retrievehistoryretrieve restore histories for every computer in this account into cache
-rnew dest sel YYYY-MM-DD;HH:MM::SS recurse M|B overwrite {domain computer dbdir}
restore latest version of files newer then Modify|Backup date
-rold dest sel YYYY-MM-DD;HH:MM:SS recurse M|B overwrite {domain computer dbdir}
restore latest version of files older then Modify|Backup date
test selections
-sha src
display SHA checksum for a file
test SQL credentials
-synclocal {0|1}
sync all vaults and optionally validate for missing blocks in storage. See rigoroussync INI setting for more information.
test before and after commands
checks for and installs new software version
-upload {0|1}
perform a backup, if '1' then force a full backup
test VSS