From the Backup Settings tab, you can enable and disable backup locations. By default, the remote vault will be enabled.
By enabling and setting a path for the "Backup to local vault" setting, you can also enable a local copy of the backup vault, which will be a mirror of what is saved to the remote vault. This will default to a path in the client install folder, but it is highly recommended to change this path to a different drive, which can include USB drives and network shares, which aids with separating the local backup vault from the computer being backed up.
Caution: The local vault should be a static location. If you use rotation drives as the destination for the local vault, this can and will cause the local vault to be fragmented across the rotation drives. If you do need to make offsite rotation copies, you will also need to maintain a static local vault in addition to the rotating drives.
If a local vault is enabled, you can then select an offsite rotation copy. With each backup that completes, the backup client will first do a cleanup of the destination folder on the rotation drive, and then it will copy files from the static local vault to the rotation copy destination.
If you have backups enabled to a local and remote vault, you can choose between two backup methods: "Parallel" and "Serial". For Serial backups, during the backup client's Backup phase, it will process the files and only back up data to the local vault; after the backup phase completes, all new data will then be pushed to the remote vault. For Parallel backups, the backup client will send file data to both local and remote vaults during the backup.
Enabling the "Rigorous sync" option will force the backup client to add an extra validation check to the backup process, where it will retrieve a list of file blocks and their sizes from all enabled vaults, and then compare these lists against what the backup client expects in the vaults.
Any backed up file blocks that are not found in the corresponding vault, or are found to be an incorrect size are flagged as missing/corrupted. The backup client will then try to pull the missing/corrupted file blocks from a different vault location, but if it cannot do that, it triggers the backup of the file that generated the missing/corrupted file block so it will recreate and back up the file block.
Please see the following article for suggestions on how to increase performance of backups: