Restore page
From the Restore page, you are able to select folders and files to restore.
Under the 'Available to Restore' section, you have an expanding tree showing the folders and files that are available for restore. Clicking the "+" button to the right of a folder or file will add it to the backup selections. This will add the file/folder to the 'Restore Queue' section. Multiple files and folders can be selected this way, and be restored at the same time.
If a folder is selected, by default it will restore all of the subfolders. If you only want to restore the files in that specific folder, toggle the "Subfolders" option.
If you want to remove a restore selection, click the red "X" button to the right of the selection in the 'Restore Queue'.
In addition to selecting what files and folders to restore, you can select the timeframe of when to restore from. Data to restore can be selected based off when it was backed up or last modified, as well as from before or after the specified date.
You can also select to "Restore every version" of a file. Because this can cause multiple files with the same name to be restored to the same folder, the original backup date and modify date are appended to the file name.
You are able to search for a specific file or folder with the search bar located at the top right corner of the 'Available to Restore' section. The search results will be displayed as a list of their paths, and files will display the size, backup date, and modify date. You can add these to the Restore Queue by clicking on the blue '+' button.
Toggling 'Restore Empty Folders' to the on position will include empty folders and subfolders in the restored data. This is helpful for preserving the original folder structures of the data set selected for restore.
Toggling 'Retain Original Modify Date' to the on position will preserve the modify date that the file or folder had when it was backed up, rather than changing the modified date to the time of the restore operation.
Toggling 'Overwrite existing files' to on ensures that files that already exist in the restore location folder will be overwritten with next restore that runs.
The location the restore is done to can be changed by clicking the ellipses button ("...") at the end of the 'Restore Location' setting; you can also manually type the path if desired.
Once everything has been selected, click the "Restore Data" button to begin the restore process.
If a local backup vault has been enabled (on the Backup > Settings page) then the client will try to restore from the local backup folder first, and if it can't find a file, it will then pull it down from a remote server.
If multiple computers are backing up to the same backup account, then hit the "Refresh" button to the right of the "Computer" list will pull down backup histories for every computer, and then the "Computer" pull down-menu will allow you to specify from which computer's backup you would like to restore from as shown below:
Anywhere in the user interface where you see a button with "...", you can use that button to interactively specify a folder or file.
As with backups, the Monitor > Overview and Monitor > History pages will give you status and details of currently running and historical restores.